Other-dimensional arrangements are created by entangling the mundane with craft and burgeoning technologies. Picking apart an object’s historical, material and emotional relations, I investigate how products of material culture can be used to exfoliate the utility and socialization they are steeped in. Egg cartons, fruit netting, construction site debris, seed pods, geological knick-knacks,3D Models, silk, and paper-mache absorb each other creating a reminiscent yet Ven thing. Blurring the lines between gleaning, craft and industrial science, recontextualizing consumer waste culture to build imagined ecosystems.
Through the investigation of our relations with objects, Deposit Loop considers the fragility of systems that can feel inevitable amidst a consuming cycle of production, distribution and consumption. By situating things like bread tags and rubber bands into constructed landscapes reminiscent of my childhood in rural Tennessee, I’m interested in how the synthetic, artificial and fabricated can become naturalized within context.
Photos taken by Nieghboring States

Deposit Loop Arch 51”x 72” x 36” steel, paper clay, acrylic, shellac 2021

Egg Carton Holder 72’ x 48’x 36’ egg cartons, wood, paper clay, spray paint, shellac 2021

Berry Box Color Spectrum, 48” x 8” x 6”, Berry Boxes, paper clay, paint, shellac, 2021
The colors in this piece come from the berry boxes exposed to the sun, dictated by where they were in relation to the window in my studio.